Lead Shipping Pigs

At Vulcan GMS, we specialize in crafting top-notch shipping pigs (also known as shipping pots or containers). Both traditional painted lead pigs and innovative plastic-encased lead pigs are designed for secure radioactive material shipping. Our commitment to excellence extends to offering numerous options for coating your lead pigs, ensuring your product not only meets safety standards but also boasts an impeccable appearance. Plastic inserts and sleeves to protect the lead are also available to provide a more durable product. 

Our lead vial pig with multiple shielding thickness options ensures the safe storage and transport of radioactive materials. We ensure the safe storage of various radiopharmaceutical medicine applications, from Technetium-99m to 18F. In addition to traditional painted lead shipping pigs, Vulcan GMS can also custom design with materials to optimize shielding such as tungsten, lead, plastics, and stainless steel.

Learn About Our NEW Radiopharmaceutical Packaging Solutions >

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Key Features of Our Lead Shipping Pigs:

  • Custom Design: We offer custom shipping pigs, allowing you to optimize shielding materials based on your specific requirements.
  • Color Options: Custom paint colors are available for your shipping pigs to match your brand.
  • Protective Plastic: Plastic inserts and outer sleeves are available to enhance protection and durability.
  • Diverse Manufacturing Methods: Vulcan GMS utilizes a range of manufacturing methods, including die casting, machining, and extrusion. This diversity ensures precise and efficient production of shipping pigs customized to your specific requirements.

Please contact us to discuss your specific needs for any current isotope shipping containers, any new shipping systems or shipping pigs.

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